Once again, the light is gone
The night is deep and the time has come
for me to kill my beautiful children.
Does Jehovah see
Will he make a way out of this darkness
I am in the well
the mud is over my head
Behind me the noirest of noire
in front of me darkness and deep gloom
The children around me play
their joyful voices and happy running about
accentuate my sadness
I see them dead
again, I kill my own
Panda, my beautiful little child
Fuzzy, always so ratsy, always full of mischief, always full of love
Buddy, the big one, the one who disciplines the little ones, the big baby
Blondie, the beauty, the young cheerful girl
Cookie, the mild one, the lovable one, always so sweet
Candy, the feisty one, feisty but affectionate, the cuddly one
Dukie, my very lovable baby, the smallest one of all, the little lord
Flo, the large one, the one who needs constant attention
Velvet, the affectionate trouble maker, a sweet mother