Truth Seeker
  End Prophecies Two

On November 4th, 08, the US got a new president.  What may we expect to see happening regarding the End prophecies from now on?

  • A new President, now what?
  • BG destroyed, then what?
We are deep into an economic disaster of epic proportions, felt to the four corners of the earth, in every country, and every island.  In the news, GM is fearing that it is failing, and Ford is cutting several thousands of its workforce, and, in Japan, Toyota and others are cutting much of their workforce to try to weather the terrible storm of Jeremiah.  In Germany, the automakers and other companies to be sure have announced similar steps according to need. 

As the prior page demonstrated, this disaster is part of the End prophecies that initialize the Great Tribulation.

But what now?  The new American president is both charismatic and highly educated, surely he will collect a team that shall produce results and help get the world out of the economic morass that it is in presently.  What does the Bible tell us that we may expect?

Of course, all such interpretation should be taken with a pound of salt, not a grain.  That is, all that is opined here is just that; I am not inspired, but let's explore the matter.

For this Revelation chapter 13 is our guide.  This is not a verse by verse explanation of the chapter.  Rather, it relates specific instances in the chapter to what shall happen in our world.

In verse 3, we read "And all the earth was in admiration after the beast. 4 And they adored the dragon, which gave power to the beast: and they adored the beast, saying: Who is like to the beast? and who shall be able to fight with him?" (DRC)
11 And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns, like a lamb, and he spoke as a dragon. 12 And he executed all the power of the former beast in his sight; and he caused the earth, and them that dwell therein, to adore the first beast, whose wound to death was healed.

What are we being told?  Here we see that the beast that has two horns - speaks as a dragon.  How does a dragon speak?  Well, Satan is the original dragon, isn't he.  So, he makes himself into an angel of light while speaking lies.  Similarly, the two-horned beast makes believe it spreads light and hope to mankind, while it in fact is lying through its teeth.  The two-horned beast itself may be unaware that what it says is part of Satan's lies, part of End prophecies leading to the coming of Armageddon and God's kingdom.

The two-horned beast shall cause the people of earth to adore the first beast.  What does that tells us about the ones representing the two-horned beast?  It tells us that these ones are charismatic and highly intelligent.  They shall cause the whole earth to follow this super-political entity they establish. 

This is so that they shall bring about the destruction of Babylon the Great through this medium and start warring against the Saints simultaneously.  Remember, the hungry beast doesn't distinguish between what kind of religious meat it devours; thus, when it attacks Babylon the Great, the world's organized religions, that attack shall also affect the Saints.

Some of the points in chapter 13 have already been discussed on the previous page.  At this moment, we cannot tell how long it is until these events begin and we reach the beginning point for counting the time until the end; namely, the destruction of BG.  Perhaps those who are interested may ask me questions so that what may be insufficiently explained may be expanded.

What we have in the Bible is highly symbolic language.  When brought down to earth, so to say, we can see that the nations must deal with the economic woes that are tearing through their societies.  The only way to do that is by coming up with more money and establish a super-political entity to guide all the nations in their economic recovery. 

The fact that they only have one place to turn for money makes the issue about how to solve the problem simple.  The organized religions of the world have enormous amounts of wealth in lands, treasures, and property;  this means that they are expendable since it is the survival of the political systems we are talking about.  The super-political system has no choice, like it or not, it has to take this wealth by force.

The End is just around the corner.  Let's await excitedly now that we understand we are seeing with our own eyes the long awaited End coming now.

After Babylon the Great has been destroyed, then what?

It is very simple, too simple to make a big to do about as far as writing a lot is concerned.  God tells us that the destruction of Babylon the Great, the world's organized religions, function as a demarcation point from which the rest of the End events may be know, in time, and quality.

A year after the BG has been destroyed, the last pushing between the East and the West shall occur.  In Daniel these powers are called the kings of the south and north.  (Dan 11:40~) They shall go to war with each other and the king of the north, (East) shall accomplish what he sets out to do.

The scriptures tell us that a great deal of ships and great forces shall be at odds with each other at this time.

I found a link on YouTube that has a bit of too modern music on for the those over fifty perhaps, or perhaps not.  This is worth looking at since it gives a sense of how hard the king of the north is working to modernize his forces getting ready for the big day.

The big day is near, the last pushing with many ships and much power.  The end is nearer than we perhaps think.


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