Truth Seeker
  Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark
The Account

At the moment this page is just written for you Leonard.  Otherwise, I would have to try to remember the set of questions I sent you and include them here. This will probably be amended later.

The physical remains of the ark are immaterial!  Whether or not these exist have no bearing on the account , on our faith as Christians.  Ron Wyatt's discoveries are merely the cakes' icing for us - they add sweetness to our beliefs.  There is another function which the archaeological discoveries serve which need not be described here.  This is another story.

As previously stated, the account leaves us wanting.  If this account were to fulfil our needs, it would need a fairly large volume to explain all things; as is, it is quite inadequate for  understanding how they survived and what survived with them.

Actually, this is only to be expected.  This enigma is what things are about, more or less.  In what way?  "Now faith is the substantiating of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."   That is the definition given us. So things are substantiated through which confirmation we have been convinced.  True science (very much apart from evolution in my eyes) demands something else.  It demands falsifiability which is defined as "Falsifiability (or refutability) is the logical possibility that an assertion can be shown false by an observation or a physical experiment." (  Another important difference is that we do not go by sight; we go by hope.  This limits what we are given quite literally.  Here science also goes as much as is possible by what is seen and demonstrated.

What the Christian is given is a body of things substantiated, not usually any single thing that the world agrees with us in.  The whole body provides the basis for our beliefs and convictions.  This body consists of members.  There are many members.  The prophecies are one such main body part for our beliefs, that which has been substantiated.  The answered prayers specifically so are another.  The morality and excellence of the Christian teachings (not the actions of the churches throughout time, mind  you) that if followed would bring peace on earth are surely another reason, another member for faith.

The Deluge

Apart from the whole body of teachings that demonstrate God and his actions to me, what do we have about the deluge?

Here is a link I like for obtaining 'falsifiability' that satisfies my demands:

It has a lot of info if one takes the time to go through its massive database.

We have the account in the Bible both the OT and later Jesus and his apostles affirmation of it.  We have Ron's discoveries which with the various scans and iron, etc are quite good.  But, more importantly we have global flood accounts, ca six hundred of them.  This is no accident!  We have during the last decade been swamped with reports of underwater cities, temples, structures up to half a mile down.  The North sea is of continual interest to scientists in regard to pre-historic life with ivory being harvested from long dead animals all the time, who lived on a plateau that used to be above water, and up north around the Orkney island they have again underwater structures, a city - I believe it said in the news.

Even more importantly are the mass graves of animals that helter skelter contains billions of animals scattered around the globe which happened in the same catastrophe; they have the mass of huge animals such as the woolly mammoths that were deep frozen with still fresh food in their mouths and stomachs and whose meat could still be eaten.  Such cross-continental sudden deep freeze is proof of a sudden catastrophe, the flood to us.  The same thing with mountain tops, on all sea shells and remains of sea creatures may be found, this is proof to us when combined with all the other things.

What does this spell out to?

It spells out to substantiation, the confirmation and affirmation of our faith.  It tells us that the paucity of the account is by purpose because there is so much other proof for the one who is searching for God.

That is how God operates. He demands that we work for our proof, our substantiation; it is in fact an act of faith to put forth the effort to verify these things.

That most influential archaeologists do not support our cause or interpretation is not surprising.  They have their lives invested in money, in renown, prestige, in educational positions that all depend on the back-slapping of their fellows.  It is up to each person to determine on his own what things say or not.  Realize this!  That if the object Ron claims to be Noah's ark were to be accepted world wide as such by the establishment, it would be the death stroke to evolution.  This nobody will permit.  It has nothing to do with proof one way or the other.

Our world is not for truth - the search for truth.  That is up to you, and to me.

I am not sure if I have addressed things sufficiently.  If not, I will try to amend that.

Noah's ark

What function did the ark serve?  (my own opinion only)  It served as a means of keeping eight people occupied for one year on a ship on which they would have gone crazy with stress and worries if not kept busy with the caretaking of the animals they had been given.  These animals may have served as a means of repopulating the local area  where they landed and provided them with food after their landing.  This is conjecture and unsubstantiated opinion. But such is life.  Things are fuzzy.  This opinion may be subject to  change without notice.

If questions about how ecosystems in far and remote places were re-established need answering, please ask.  This was about Noah's ark.

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