Truth Seeker
  Christ Slaves and Revelation

Christ's Coming & His Slaves

The focus of this page is Christ's slaves.

(Edit: 10.08.08)
Christ's coming, gr : er'khom-ahee, not presence, gr: parousia, is with power. He comes as King of the Heavenly Kingdom, God's Kingdom. It is time to pay the piper. As such, Christ carries the reward with him for both the righteous and the wicked.

The Bible shows that as Christ is manifested as the crowned king, his Father also re-asserts his right to be king of the entire universe and the earth. In that sense, Christ is revealed to be a Prince King, God's governor.
Isaiah 9:6-7 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name is called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty *God, Father of Eternity, Prince of Peace. 7Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with judgment and with righteousness, from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of Jehovah of hosts will perform this. (Darby)

Isaiah 40:9-11 O Zion, that bringest good tidings, go up upon the high mountain: O Jerusalem, that bringes [is] with him, and his work before him. (Webster)
A much used scripture is the one quoted here:
Matthew 24:42-45 Watch you therefore, because not you know, in what hour the lord of you comes. (2064 erchomai er'-khom-ahee) 43This but know you, that if had known the householder in what watch the thief comes, he would have watched, and not would have allowed to be dug-through the house of him. 44On account of this also you be ready; because in which hour not you think, the son of the man comes. 45Who then is the faithful slave and prudent, whom placed the lord of him over the domestics of him, of the to give to them the food in season? 46Blessed the slave that, whom coming the lord of him shall find doing so. 47Indeed I say to you, that over all the possessions of him he will place him. 48If but should say the bad slave that in the heart of him: Delays the lord of me to come; 49and should begin to strike the fellow-slaves, may eat and also may drink with those getting drunk; 50shall come the lord of the slave that in a day, in which not he expects, and in an hour, in which not he knows; 51and shall cut asunder him, and the part of him with the hypocrites will place; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth. (Diaglott)
If consistency is to be conserved. The meaning of the phrase "ye know not at what hour your Lord comes" - (2064 erchomai er'-khom-ahee) - must be obeyed.

One reason that this doesn't apply to Christ's presence is that the scripture does not say gr: parousia.   If we want to be consistent Bible students, this reason will prevent us from applying Christ special presence beginning with God and Christ's Day of Wrath to that scripture.  Logic and being consistent demand that it applies to Christ's coming (gr : erchomai),  payback time!  Another reason is the events that verses 46 to 51 say will take place. These events clearly are payback in nature! This is explained below.  Again, the presence of Christ during the Day of Wrath can only be known by observing the signs he gave us that point to his being among us.

The question then is, who are the slaves? Both good and evil slaves are mentioned! They cannot be all the approved and disapproved Saints! Most Saints have no say-so over their fellow slaves, believers! 

What we must realize is that until Christ's revelation no appointment has been made by Christ - though many claim otherwise.  Surely Christ told us to mind his business while he was away.  Those showing themselves to have done so are the good slaves and those who failed are the wicked slaves.

When looking at the religious world of churches claiming to be Christian, logic demands that the wicked slaves intimated here must be those in leader positions in the various churches! They are the ones that have the power to mistreat and well-treat their fellow believers.  Those leaders that do not follow the edict of worshiping God with truth and in spirit must be the ones that are evil -- evil, because they do not obey that edict and ergo are not the kind of worshipers God seek! Thus, all church leaders professing to be Christian must be under this evaluation, and if they aren't careful will be under the evil slave's judgment.

Pay heed that the faithful and discreet slave is appointed after Christ's coming (gr : erchomai) in power, with payback. This evidence tells us that the appointment comes to pass after the Great Tribulation. Also, all of Christ the King's possessions must include the physical earth, even his heavenly possessions — even the evildoers still existing today are his to destroy! It then stands to reason that the Slave gets his reward once in heaven.

Has there been any payback of the evil slave yet?
No! Then neither has the good slave been rewarded! Perhaps one might say that once a Saint dies approved and is resurrected that such a one shall become part of the heavenly Faithful and Discreet Slave whether such a one enjoyed an important position while human. Still, the verdict is not completely in yet. It will be final only after Christ's marriage to his bride. These are the ones that will constitute the Faithful and Discreet slave. It is not some earthly organization during Christ presence.  It is therefore seen according to the account in Luke that each slave is given individual attention, and not a class action judgment. (Luke 12:42-48)

During the last 160 years or so many have caused the Gospel to be preached.  Clearly Christ has made use of all doing so whether they had the truth 100% or not. Yet, the leaders of the various churches must persevere in proving themselves continually by being worshipers of God according to truth and in spirit, since this kind of worshipers are what God is seeking.  If they wickedly deny their church goers and followers the right to search for Biblical truth and the right to believe in such by putting them out of their churches if these teach Bible dogma, they then are no better than the first century Jews how also put believers in Jesus out of their synagogues and thereby became the synagogue of Satan.

They must be receptive to the needs of teaching Bible truths, not organizational dogma that because of decades of adherence becomes church dogma more vital than the Bible's word! Such adherence to church tradition in the face of clear facts and in direct contradiction with Bible truths is anathema to God.

There is no partiality with God.  All must worship God "in spirit and in truth"(KJV), there is no exception.  Those that get sidetracked and lose their love of the truth are therefore unable to obtain the sanctification that the truth provides.  Such ones may soon find themselves involved in idolatry, and the worship, the glorification of men.  Each of us will be judged individually !  Each gets his own reward without partiality.  So let us strive to be faithful stewards, each and all.

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