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Revelation Chapter 11 – 1260 days
(2011-01 edit)
This is surely one of the most cryptic pages in the book of Revelation. The symbolism has little precedence elsewhere in the scriptures.
Its interpretation is therefore going to be contested by the great majority, if not by all. Let me start by stating the criteria that guides me in interpreting this chapter. The key guide here is that the iconic symbols are literary tools that God uses to keep order and track of the various things described in the book. The icons and symbolic language do not affect the sequentical timeline, and though they are serial, they may at times be occurring simultaneously, earlier, or even later. Such matters need to be judged by studying the events described
The above statement may assist the reader in understanding why the iconic sequence is not permitting the timeline of the interpretation to be affected. The scriptures below will form the basis for this study. Again, I do not claim to be inspired or that this interpretation will remain unchanged. At the moment, it is the best I've got.
Revelation 11:
2 and, the court that is outside the Sanctuary, cast thou outside, and do not measure, it, because it hath been given unto the nations, and, the holy city, shall they tread under foot, forty and two months.
3 And I will give unto my two witnesses, that they shall prophesy, a thousand two hundred and sixty days, arrayed in sackcloth. 4These, are the two olive-trees, and the two lamps, which, before the Lord of the earth, do stand.
6 These, have authority to shut heaven, in order that, no rain, be moistening in the days of their prophesying; and, authority, have they, over the waters, to be turning them into blood, and to smite the land, with any manner of plague, as often as they will.
7 And, as soon as they have completed their witnessing, the wild-beast that is to come up out of the abyss, will make war with them, and overcome them, and slay them. 8And their dead bodies lie upon the broadway of the great city, the which is called, spiritually, Sodom and Egypt, where, their Lord also was crucified.
9 And some of the peoples, and tribes, and tongues, and nations, see, their dead bodies three days and a half, and, their dead bodies, do they not suffer to be put into a tomb.
11 And, after the three days and a half, a spirit of life from God, entered within them, and they stood upon their feet; and, great fear, fell upon them who were beholding them. 12And they heard a loud voice out of heaven, saying unto them—Come up hither! And they went up into heaven, in the cloud, and, their enemies, beheld them.
13 And, in that hour, there came to be a great earthquake; and, the tenth of the city, fell, and there were slain, in the earthquake, names of men—seven thousand. And, the rest, became, greatly afraid, and gave glory unto the God of heaven.
When we read what Daniel says about the time Christ was going to serve God on earth, we discover a parallel. Jesus was to serve God for half a week and be cut off, that is, half a week of years.
Half a week of years equals 3.5 years, or, when counting with 360 days per year, 1260 days. In another way of counting, there is a prophetic precedent where a day for a year and a year for a day is being employed. Thus 3.5 days would also equate 3.5 years or 1260 days. Finally, forty-two months (which equal 12 x 3.5 = 42) equals 3.5 years. These 42 months of being trodden underfoot, the 3.5 days of lying dead on the street, and the time during which in chapter 12 the Devil fights the Saints is then one and same period.
However, in chapter 11 two equal period of 3½ years are mentioned. The first in verses 2–7 and the second in verses 8–11. The first is 1260 days during which time the Saints preach clothed in sackcloth. Because Daniel mentions in 12:7 the 3.5 times which mean 3.5 years that equal 1,260 days, 12:11 - 1,290 days, and also 2,300 days, and since the subject is the same as in Revelation, we can conclude that the count begins when the Disgusting Thing is standing in a Holy Place.
Dan 12:11 And from the time that the regular burnt offering is taken away and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be 1,290 days. 12 Blessed is he who waits and arrives at the 1,335 days.
The second period is where the Saints lie dead on the street and have been killed. It is what is discussed below.
This argument is not as empty as all that. The holy city is under foot for 42 months. The Saints are dead on the street for 3.5 days (accepting that 3.5 days refer to 3.5 years, and dead in the sense of being non-functional? unknown). In this fashion, the iconic periods all melt together into one single period of 1260 days. The condition of the holy city, the Saints, etc. – all agree perfectly to this interpretation.
The above demonstrates how the 42 months, the 3.5 days of chapter 11, the 1260 days of chapter 12 – all equate 3.5 years. This length of time, Daniel 12:7 clearly mentions. The time, times and a half – are a year, two years, and half a year, which equal three and a half year (3.5 years). In this we see how all of these different references to this one time come together to paint a larger picture.
Daniel 12:7 . . .: “It will be for an appointed time, appointed times and a half. And as soon as there will have been a finishing of the dashing of the power of the holy people to pieces, all these things will come to their finish.”
Daniel 9:27, And he will confirm a covenant to the many, for one week,—but, in the middle of the week, will cause sacrifice and present to cease, and, in his stead, shall be the horrid abomination that astoundeth, even till, a full end, and that a decreed one, shall be poured out on him that astoundeth.
At the moment, little may be stated positively, except that this still remains one of the most cryptical passages of all of Revelation.
There is much in chapter eleven that seems to relate to chapter 12 of Daniel. In Daniel, the dashing of the power of the holy ones to pieces is connected to the " disgusting thing that is causing desolation." In the first century fulfilment, this was the Roman army. (Matt 24:15, Mark 13:14) This profane Roman army destroyed the holy city and God's temple. As such it was a disgusting thing causing desolation.
Here Daniel said this:
12:27 . . .And on the wing of abominations shall come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolator.”
When we check the Standard of the Roman army, it had eagle wings, the Aquila. Thus the Desolator really came on the wing of Abominations as foretold. To see it, please refer to Wikipedia here: Roman Aqyuila
We can expect a parallel fulfilment. For more than 19 centuries now, Christians have waited for Babylon the Great to be destroyed. However, when unfaithful Jerusalem was destroyed by the disgusting profane Roman army in the year 70 CE, true Christians were affected; likewise, when Babylon the Great is destroyed just before the Great Tribulation by this other disgusting thing, it shall also affect the holy city, Zion, the daughter of Jerusalem.
T he period mentioned here, the 1260 days, the 42 months should begin counting from the coming destruction of Babylon the Great.
The going to heaven in Revelation 11 could then be a literal heavenly resurrection which their enemies will behold in the sense that they surely shall know this when Armageddon begins and the Saints come riding back accompanied by the conqueror Jesus Christ.
Isn't that what verses fifteen to nineteen indicate?!
Revelation 11
15And, the seventh messenger, sounded; and there came to be loud voices in heaven, saying—The kingdom of the world, hath become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign unto the ages of ages. 16And, the twenty-four elders who, before God, do sit upon their thrones, fell down upon their faces, and rendered homage unto God, 17saying—We give thanks unto thee, O Lord God, the Almighty, Who is, and Who was; because thou hast taken thy great power, and hast become king. 18And, the nations, were angered; and thine anger, came, and the fit time of the dead, to be vindicated, and to give their reward unto thy servants the prophets, and unto the saints, and unto them who revere thy name—the small and the great, and to despoil them who were despoiling the earth.
Daniel mentions two other numbers of days, 1290 and 1335.
Dan 12:11,12, and, from the time of the taking away of the continual ascending-sacrifice , and the placing of the horrid abomination that astoundeth, shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12Happy! is he that waiteth, and attaineth to one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days
The first number is ca 3 years and six months plus one extra month. The last number then adds one and a half months to this.
So we now have 3 6/ 12 years, 3 7/ 12 years , and finally 3 8.5/ 12 years. I wouldn't be surprised if the last number's happiness is related to the resurrection, the last global ingathering of all the remaining Saints for the marriage of the Lamb.
All of this is conjecture, but let me sum it up. From when the report of Babylon's destruction goes out time starts counting; perhaps the count begins either April 1, or October 1 that year. In the second year counting from this report, according to Jeremiah 51:46, global war perhaps between many neighbouring countries shall take place for at least one year.
From the initial counting, the count goes to 1260 days and on up to 1335 days. At the 1335, the heavenly resurrection of the last Saints will perhaps take place.
The debased condition of the Holy City, the Saints is to continue for 1260 days. The placing of the disgusting or abhorrent thing is a bit debatable, is it for 1290 days? or at 1290 days this happens?
I'll be studying various translations to get a better picture of this.
Though not conclusive, Revelation chapter fourteen bears up the timeline presented here. From chapter fourteen the following is seen:
- 6: having an age-abiding glad-message
- 7: because the hour of his judging is come
- 8: Fallen! fallen! is Babylon the great
- 12: the endurance of the saints
- 13: Write! Happy, the dead who, in the Lord, do die, from henceforth
- 15: Thrust in thy sickle, and reap; because the hour to reap is come, because the harvest of the earth is ripe
- 19: Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth
This demonstrates that the sequence already established is verified once again. The reason the the Saints are said to be happy at the 1335 days is the same reason they are happy from 14:13; namely, they are resurrected to their heavenly reward.
Combining this with Matthew 24:29-31, we see these events are established as follows:
Matt 24:29-31But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31And he shall send forth his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. (ASV)
- Babylon the Great is brought down.
- It is certain that before the Great Tribulation commences officially according to Jesus after Babylon the Great's destruction, that there shall be an extended period of not so great tribulation that nonetheless is great enough to as we are told - have cities falling. The Great Tribulation is a seasonal long event, not year long. But both before and after it, year long tribulation may hold the earth in a death grip.
- The second year from the year in which Babylon the Great is destroyed shall be global conflagration between both small and large nations according to Jeremiah, perhaps even internal fighting between factions in many nations.
The rumor spoken about by Jeremiah pertains to Babylon.
Jer 51:46, And lest your hearts faint, and ye fear for the rumour that shall be heard in the land : and a rumour shall come in one year, and after this year another rumour: and iniquity in the land, and ruler upon ruler. (DRC)
- Counting from that year's April 1 or October 1 (whichever fits at that time), we count 1335 days and that should give us the day when the last of the Saints will be removed from earth to partake in the Lamb's marriage in heaven.
- Christ, his bride, and his angels, now ride out to harvest. Armageddon begins.
- At its conclusion, the dead of Revelation 20:12~ are judged. Those found in the book of life are resurrected and the others are thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Rev 11:18, And the nations were wroth, and thy wrath came, and the time of the dead to be judged, and the time to give their reward to thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and to them that fear thy name, the small and the great; and to destroy them that destroy the earth. (Rotherham)
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