Bible Subjects |
Fiery coloured horse – war
Pale horse – death and Hades
earthquake, sun black, moon as blood, heaven departed, stars of heaven fell to earth
silence in heaven
followed by trumpets
Fiery mountain into sea of mankind
Great star fell from heaven, wormwood
Sun smitten & 1/3 moon and stars
Star of heaven given key of abyss
Four angels at Euphrates untied
The kingdom has passed to Christ
Hurtful and malignant ulcer
Blood of a dead man, everything in the sea (of mankind) died
Fountains and rivers of water became blood
Sun scorches men with a great heat
Kingdom of wild beast darkened, gnaw their tongues in pain
Euphrates river dries up, that the kings from the east may come
Has come to pass, lightnings, voices, thunders, a great earthquake
From looking at the horsemen, each shows itself to be represented by a separate seal. Thus we may understand that the trumpets, the woes, and the bowls of anger are literary devices used by God to keep order and to show us the various things to come upon earth in this day of wrath.
The iconic events, the seals, bows of anger, etc., are concurrent. Transposing the seal events unto our reality, war, hunger, pestilence is seen to occur simultaneously. There is some sequence to events, but that sequence is unrelated to these seals. A separate study of the events may reveal which ones are prior to others and which ones follow others.
While the four horses with their war, their hunger, their pestilence and plain misery are physical manifestations that our times testify abundantly to, many of the other events are spiritual ones that refer to spiritual darkness and affliction.
The 6th bowl is interesting in the sense that it shows how organized religion shall loose its power over the masses of the peoples worldwide so as to prepare the way for the greater Cyrus, Jesus Christ.
Perhaps this may liberate (at the very least my own) the study of Revelation so as to compare the events mentioned and not the iconinc sequence. This may provide us with a line of events from the beginning of the day of wrath to its end.
The following is not meant to be anything but a suggestion. Any insights are welcome.
Pre-Armageddon, Great Tribulation.
8, 9, 10, 11:1-14, 12, 13, 14:6,7; 16, 17
Armageddon commences Christ's kingdom rule with a wedding and war.
11:15 -19, 14: 8, 15-20; 18, 19:11-21
Kingdom rule begins in earnest
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