Truth Seeker
  Rev - 14-16

Revelation 14 to 16

Chapter 14 is easy to associate exclusively with the first few verses and forget the rest.  This is a mistake.

Initially, the chapter shows the Saints numbered 144,000 (whether it is a literal number or not is not discussed now) standing assembled already.  In no way does that mean that at that moment all have been glorified; rather, what it seems to indicate is that these all have been chosen, purified, and fully tested.

The timing is shown to be around when Babylon the Great is destroyed.

The reason not all have been glorified yet is given in verses 12 and 13, telling us there that some still have to be glorified.  Anyone of the Saints who die on earth at this moment is instantly glorified with a heavenly resurrection. (13)

Verses 14-20 tells us that now Armageddon begins, the harvest of the wheat and the burning of the chaff.  The sequence in this chapter does not necessarily affect that of other chapters. 

Chapter 15
If this actually is sequentil in time or just sequential in the account is not clear.  The reason is that chapter 16 seems to backtrack to the destruction of Babylon the Great which already fell in 14:8

This back and forth dance of the account is one of the literary tricks being used to make it hard to understand.  That is what must be understood by a student permitting that one simply read it as a puzzle so that the student puts it into the right time-sequence.

Chapter 16

Chapter sixteen is deep into of the Great Tribulation, or perhaps may even occur after it - if one can talk of an after, really.

The beast that represents all of the political systems of the world has established its mark, and those who chose to be marked have been.  This mark clearly is connected to the economy and thus the mark has to be some kind of mark of approval by the political powers in regard to those who give it - perhaps a mark that permits them to have special economic privileges that in turn means that they demonstrate their support of the political beast in some tangible manner.

This of course is supposition.
Not all things in this chapter may happen this late though; the things in verse 12 clearly have been in the works for decades even more than perhaps a hundred and fifty years going already.  Clearly the drying up of the waters, the peoples, of organized religion has been in the works for a long time already.

Let's focus on the verses from verse 16 onward.   We see an enormous powerful earthquake taking place.  This cannot be a literal earthquake - though we have some naturally among the disasters of the end.  This earthquake leves mountains - governments.  It splits the Great city, the Harlot city of Babylon the Great, in 3.  (Rev 11:8, 17:18)  What does this greatest of all earthquake that mankind has endured illustrate?

It must mean the Great Tribulation, but not the one that began initially before Babylon the Great's destruction.  This must commence at the moment that Babylon is about to be destroyed.  It begins the events that lead up to Armageddon and includes Armageddon since the Mountains, the national governments, are destroyed, leveled.  It's real beginning is one year after Babylon's destruction according to Jeremiah. (if things are understood correctly)

The events in verse 6 are included here too.  These events will encompass war both large and small around the globe.  This will according to Jeremiah begin one year after Babylon the Great has been dispatched.  On another page the number of days of this last tribulation has been outlined.

The huge hailstones clearly then are plagues that assail evil men during these last days of this worlds national systems life-robbing throes.  It may even signify the total destruction of all of evil, the wicked, among men.

Chapter seventeen is not a direct continuation of the events in this chapter 16;  rather, it seems to zoom in on the actual destruction of Babylon the Great.
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